The art of buying affordable WordPress themes and plugins

Buy affordable WordPress themes and plugins

There's an art to buying affordable WordPress themes and plugins that only a few have mastered. Of course, if you are not a WordPress website developer, the process can be confusing and overwhelming. However, your online business or blog still needs a theme and specific plugins to function smoothly and represent your brand. Apart from that, a suitable WordPress theme

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Selecting the Best WordPress Theme in 2024: A Complete Guide

Selecting the Best WordPress Theme

You have created a WordPress website for your business or portfolio but don’t understand which WordPress theme to pick. In the vast sea of WordPress themes available right now, it can be confusing to know which to choose. Well, the key is understanding what you want your website to look like, exploring websites in your niche, and writing down what

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A Quick Guide To The WordPress Customizer Interface

Quick Guide To WordPress Customizer Interface

Are you aware of the WordPress customizer? If you do not know then I am here to help you out with this post. For many years WordPress customizer was dull in terms of features and functionality. But, with the new version of WordPress, it becomes easy and intriguing to use customizer. You can now use Customizer as a powerful front-end

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The True Cost of Using WordPress

true cost of using WordPress

When you think of building a website, WordPress comes to mind. They are the market leader in content management systems. When you go to their website, they inform the user that it is free to use. However, it is free for users who want a basic blog with a basic theme and a little customizability. If you want to create

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How to Clear the Cache in WordPress and What is the WordPress Cache?

clear the cache in WordPress

What do you mean by Cache? The cache is a memory that stores data that has been used frequently. With cache memory, you can speed up your website performance to generate desired output. Consider an example that on the homepage of your website we are showing the last message from Facebook, thus every time when we visit the website homepage

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Top Free HTML5 Animation Tools To Set Your Pages In Motion

HTML5 animation tools

These days there is a competition in each and every field no matter in which field you are. Just consider, you have designed your website but it is not much dynamic or up to date. Then, of course, your website will not be in the top among your competitors. Your website will be such designed, that will keep users hooked

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How to Disable Image Attachment Pages in WordPress?

desable image attachment

Have you observed that, by default, your WordPress website generates a random page each time you upload an image to your media library? This page incorporates your image, including your header, footer, and sidebar if applicable. Over time, these pages accumulate, causing clutter in your WordPress dashboard with unnecessary content. This blog covers how to disable image attachment pages as

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12 Common Image Formatting Mistakes To Avoid On Your Website

Common Image Formatting Mistakes

While web designing, image is one of the most important elements that web designers have to take care of. It is a saying that,” a picture is worth a thousand words”. It is a fact.   In web design, pictures play a crucial role. Just consider if you have designed a website that is full of the latest features and

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6 Top Tips For CRO Success In WordPress

CRO Success in WordPress

  These days WordPress is on a boom. It is presented everywhere. The main reason behind this is various features and functionality provided by WordPress. A well-featured set of plugins are also provided so that one can easily add more features. By using WordPress one can design their website easily and efficiently. A large variety of WordPress themes are also

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Beware The Cutting Edge Of Web Design

Beware The Cutting Edge Of Web Design

Web design concepts are going to be increasing day by day. Now, web design company is designing websites including various features. There are many champions around the whole world who are designing eminent websites. Some new technologies which are prevailing in the market are CSS3 and HTML5. By using these programming languages any web design company can design splendid websites

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Everything You Need to Know to Prepare for PHP 8.0

When you create a WordPress website it is important to keep it maintains and updated. Your website is not just WordPress software but also it is a primary programming language that required updates on a regular basis. The latest version of PHP was released last month. The latest PHP version 8.4 arrived with lots of amazing features that will enhance

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7 Web Development Trends You Can Expect in 2023

Web Development trends

As we all know that web development technologies are changing day by day. Obviously, 2023 would not be different from other. New technologies keep on evolving not only in the development of website but also in every field. In turn, the expectation of the users are also escalating and hence it is crucial to building great digital experiences which are

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How To Make Your Website Accessible In 2023

Make accessible website

One cannot understand the life of a visually impaired person it is much difficult for them to even survive. But they have taken this challenge and are living better lives. There are so many facilities are also being provided for them. Are you aware of the fact or not? A large number of laws has been passed by the government

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18 Tips For Starting A WordPress Blog In 2023

Are you bothering about to start your WordPress blog? There are several WordPress themes through which you can build your website and start blogging. So, here we are representing the different tips which can help you to a great extent in starting your WordPress blog. No matter what is the time, it is exciting, sometimes troubling and sometimes a little

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Top 9 WordPress Plugins You Didn’t Know You Need On Your Website

Top 9 WordPress Plugins You Did't Know You Need On Your Website

As most of you know that WordPress has become a popular platform for developing prominent websites these days. Due to its multifaceted features, WordPress has been chosen by many of the developers. WordPress provides many plugins to extend the functionality of the existing WordPress features. WordPress plugins can provide many additional advantages to the website like collect vital data to

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The Best Ways to Optimize Images to Increase Site Speed

Content plays an important role when it comes to driving traffic and conveying your thoughts to your visitors. Content also plays an important role in increasing conversion rates and retaining visitor's interest. Content can be a combination of text, video, audio, etc. Sometimes lots of high-quality images and videos can slow your computer and the page loading time. In this

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Blogger vs. WordPress: Which Platform is Best for Blogging

Blogger vs. WordPress

In this technological era, many new technologies are evolving day by day. Even challenging tasks have become very easy due to the technological advancements. Social media websites are becoming more popular these days for posting and blogging. Now, the question arises here is ”Which is the trending platform which gives you a better way if you want to start your

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How to Buy and Sell Websites Online

There is no surprise that the websites which are available online are the most popular way of business. They have proved that they are the best way one can advertise anything. With the increasing number of users and higher popularity and trust on online business, the whole graph is going to go up and nowhere else. The business owners who

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Page Speed Insights: How Important is a Good Performance Score

Page Speed Insights

It is important to understand about page speed insights if you are an owner of the site and you have little or no knowledge about website development. It gives the score to the website on which we can determine that the website is working well as expected or not or is there any technical issues which can be addressed and

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Tips for Managing Multiple WordPress Websites for Multiple Clients

Every business starts with the idea of growing and when you grow in business you find it a little difficult to manage things. There are many of us who host a lot of different client’s websites and taking care of all their needs from different platforms takes a lot of time. The need is often felt that there should be

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How to Properly Add JavaScripts and Styles in WordPress

Add JavaScripts and Styles in WordPress

The use of the plug-ins in WordPress has been very common. There are so many developers who want to write their own codes and they go along with adding it to various platforms so that others can use them. These are sold on the platforms for a fee which helps them make money. The codes can be written in various

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How to Use CAPTCHAs to Protect Your WordPress Site From Bots and Spammers

There is no doubt that every small and large business should be secured and when it comes to online business it becomes essential to apply WordPress security to your websites. If you are careless about the WordPress security then you will soon face a huge damage. Due to the rise in WordPress users, the hackers are able to hack your

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How to Choose the Best WooCommerce Hosting Company

Best WooCommerce Hosting Company

It has been established that any website cannot exist without the use of the hosting company. The hosting company is the link between the website and the outside world. It is an important factor which should be thought about careful as it will directly affect the visitor’s experience. The websites which run online for business use the WooCommerce to ensure

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6 Common WordPress Theme Errors and How To Fix Them

common WordPress errors

There is no denying that WordPress is the biggest blogging platform used by millions of users. It has grown its reputation as a content management system over the years and has been able to survive in the big industry. It is an open source platform that allows the users to multiple support and products. The results are a higher number

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How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources on WordPress

Eliminate Render Blocking Resources

If you are using Google PageSpeed Insights to run the WordPress website you might be suggested that you need to exclude the render-blocking resources from your WordPress website. This is the reason why we are going to study how to eliminate Render-Blocking resources from your website.   You must be wondering about two things *. What do you mean by

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How to Fix Error 429 Too Many Requests in WordPress

error 429 too many requests

The article explain how to solve error 429 too many requests. The website owners take a lot of care to create a fully functional website. They ensures that all active steps are taken to see that the visitors to the website has an error-free visit. There are constant upgrades and management of the website done to see that it is

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How to Improve WordPress RSS Feed for Maximum Efficiency

Improve Your WordPress RSS Feed

An RSS feed creates machine-readable data and displays it to the end user in a convenient format. RSS Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication serves the purpose of delivering frequently changing content to a diverse audience. These options allow the users visiting your site to view your content whenever they wish to. Let us take a look at how

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How to Translate Your WordPress Theme Using Loco Translate

Loco Translate

Using the WordPress has become very common, most of the websites owners want to keep adding functionalities to the website. The WordPress is known to be a great source for creating the website and then for keeping the website functional and updated. The problems arise for people who are non-English speakers to use the platform. The platform is designed using

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How to Create Multilingual Websites with WordPress


With the increasing business opportunities and the internet world becoming one huge platform many sites feel the need for language translations. There are certain things or certain products that make an appeal to the visitors only when they are presented in a language which is their own. Now the risk of doing this is losing the meaning in the process.

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Tips to Choose Right WordPress Development Company

WordPress Development Company in India

The businesses which are creating a website have a lot of important decision to make. With the WordPress themes and plugins available in the WordPress, The finalizing of the WordPress Development Companies are the most critical and crucial decision that they make that will help your business to grow. The small and medium-sized business, in particular, finds it really important

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